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35 Recursos
Data Center ESG: How we are forging a reliable, sustainable and inclusive digital future
Understand what data center ESG is and how Compass is committed to forging a reliable, sustainable and inclusive digital future.
VerFog Computing vs Cloud Computing – What’s The Difference?
Fog Computing vs Cloud Computing: What's the difference? Find out the distinctions and learn more about these two data center types.
VerData Center Demand Forecast: We are Going to Need a Bigger Boat
In this post, Jonathan Schildkraut, Compass’ SVP of Capital Markets and Investor Relations, analyses forecasted data center demand growth.
VerWinning in the data center land rush requires flexibility and commitment
Centros de datos, Sostenibilidad
Compass Datacenters increasingly doing things like building hike and bike trails, planting pollinator plants to support growing bee populations, and i...
VerVeterans fill an important void in the data center industry
Military training and experience makes veterans the perfect fit for the data center industry. Learn how veterans have become an asset to Compass Datac...
VerCanada: The Growing Market North of the Border
Hydro-Quebec electricity enables data centers to be powered by 99.9% renewable energy at a low cost per kilowatt hour. Read more here.
VerTaking a proactive approach to data center physical security
Compass Datacenters takes a preventative approach to physical security. We use a layered approach to data center security. Compass evaluates security ...
VerA net zero water solution to support the global data demand
A Zero-Water Solution to Support the Global Data Demand. a Lot of Effort Has Gone in to Greening Up Data Centers From an Energy Use Standpoint. The In...
VerWhat’s Really Driving Edge Data Center Market Increases (Hint: It’s Not 5G)
The edge data center market is projected to grow by 23% over the next 6 years, but what is driving the trend? Here’s the true driver behind increase...
VerSupporting Diversity in Data Center Construction
Learn how Compass Datacenters is tapping into an underutilized resource in data center construction — women.
VerUnderstanding Difference in Edge Data Centers
Understand the differences in edge data centers and how they meet the demand for additional capacity, reduced latency, and data security.
VerData Center Construction Process: Building Efficiency Into Everything We Do
Compass is known for its fast-paced data center builds. We’re a hyper-speed developer in a hyperscale environment. Building efficiency into everythi...