Adil Attlassy

Headshot of Adil Attlassy

Chief Technology Officer


Adil Attlassy serves as Compass’ Chief Technology Officer and has been at the forefront of data center industry for two decades. Prior to joining Compass, Adil served as the General Manager of Global Site and Network Acquisition for Microsoft. He also served as Chief Development Officer for IO Data Centers, a division of Iron Mountain. In that role, he was directly responsible for global site selection and development and leading the company’s data center procurement and supply chain engagement. In addition to his roles at Microsoft and IO, Adil held executive positions for Digital Realty Trust in the U.S., UK and Singapore. Adil holds a Diploma in Technological Studies from Institut de Technologie, Mulhouse, France, a BS in Mechanical Engineering from California State University, Los Angeles and an MBA in International Management from Thunderbird, the American Graduate School of International Management.


 A net zero water solution to support the global data demand

A Zero-Water Solution to Support the Global Data Demand. a Lot of Effort Has Gone in to Greening Up Data Centers From an Energy Use Standpoint. The In...

The Way to Predictive Analytics: Creating Data Infrastructure


Getting to predictive analytics requires data infrastructure and a systemic approach. Considering data centers as a complex system, not as individual ...
